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You’ve Got Questions - I’ve Got Answers

How much does a consultation cost?

Initial consultations always lay the foundational understanding for any relationship, and with that in mind, our courtship comes at no cost to those investigating and inviting our services. Chargeable sessions, or projects in full, only occur as a result of a contractually binding statement of work.

How long does an average project take?

Projects will always vary in scope and will therefore have a wide range of complexity and associated schedule for completion. Upon entering into a contractual relationship, our statement of work will set and align expectations. It will summarize the purpose of the project and define deliverables, standards, criteria, and requirements for each project phase from start to finish. With this approach, we will all be held accountable to the tenants of our agreement and ensure the timely execution of purpose.

What types of projects do you specialize in?

White Cell ATKquisitions prides itself on the ability to undertake and action a wide variety of projects based on the needs of requirement holders and our customers. By accessing a diverse group of highly experienced and vetted problem solvers, our consultancy and further ability to action, is near limitless. Tell us your purpose and we'll provide custom solutions to meet any need. If it seems we're not a fit...we'll say that too after dutiful analysis and careful consideration.

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